I was attending church last week, when I heard the guest speaker say " delayed obedience is disobedience." That statement hit home with me because I myself am a procrastinator to the highest degree. When I sit back and review all of the ways that procrastination has taken time and achievements from me, it makes me angry. However, in the end I have no one to blame but myself. Therefore, today I have committed to systematically eliminating my "procrastination gene." You ask how? Well, for me, it is as simple as this, I understand that a lot of my procrastination stems from me not wanting to fail and making sure that I get things right the first time. After doing some soul searching. I realized that another reason I procrastinate, is that if I'm not sure what to do when a circumstance that I'm not familiar with, it makes me uneasy. So, I tried to avoid, what I think the outcome may end up being.
So without digressing, I'd like to look back to address the first reason for procrastination, which is fear of failure. When I began to reflect on that fear, I realized that many of man's greatest achievements were a product of many previous failures. Take a moment and really think about that. I did and it actually gave me a new perspective of at least making an attempt to move forward at upcoming opportunities.
So, if you suffer from the silent killer of procrastination, ask yourself, "why am I procrastinating?" Take a moment, really think about it, then attack it head on. If you don't, procrastination will kill your drive and decor your ability to succeed, silently and also slowly.
Get a grip on it before time runs out.