It's important as a father to be able to look at yourself
and do an internal audit of what you portray isn't it?
I often thought about this when my daughter was young. I remember her saying that when she was older that she was going to get married but she wasn't ever going to have children. When she became a teenager, she recanted that statement and said she might have a few children and each year as I watched her grow, I had hoped that I had set a really good example of what qualities, in a man, she should look for.
Sometimes, I wondered if I had done something incorrectly because some of the guys she called "a friend of interest," I just couldn't see why she had ever thought they would get passed me or her mother! As she grew into her womanhood, I watched as boyfriends came and went. I knew that I had led by example and that when the time was right and she truly wanted to get married, that she would make a good choice. Maybe not the best choice but a good one.
And honestly, like most dads. She forever, will be my baby.... Love you Jiggly-Puff